College Track and Field with Wisconsin Badger, Sophie Herriot

  • By admin
  • Aired on December 28, 2023
  • 50 mins 23s
  • RSS


0:00:00 Introduction
0:00:28 Show Announcements
0:01:00 Interview Beginning

Aired On

January 8, 2024


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In this episode Kim and I talk with Wisconsin Badger, Sophie Herriot. Sophie is a track and field athlete specializing in Pole Vault. Before committing to Wisconsin, Sophie was the Classic Eight Conference Athlete of the Year in highschool. 

Higher, Faster, Better…

I’m curious, Sophie. So when you’re first learning how to do this, is this one of those things where you’re doing it, where you’re learning skills for weeks and weeks before you even touch the pole to actually vault over? the bar or is this or is it something where you just go right at it?

So our coach in high school likes us to kind of go right at it because he wants us to want to pole vault. There is, there’s so many different technical aspects that go into vaulting, so you kind of, you need to want to do better. So our coach will have us just grab a pole, hold not very high, and just run into the pit.

Just get the feeling of being off the ground that makes us want to go higher and higher. And as we get more of that drive and motivation, then we want to do more of those drills and spend more time doing just a lot of little details that will help us in the long run. That’s awesome. Yeah, I think it’s incredible just to jump right into it.

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