Danielle Stanton Fuel4Ever Fitness Lifestyle; the Mind Gut Connection

  • By admin
  • Aired on November 13, 2023
  • 58 mins 2s
  • RSS


0:00:00 Introduction
0:00:28 Show Announcements
0:01:00 Interview Beginning

Aired On

November 6, 2023


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In this episode Kim and I talk with health and wellness expert and CEO of Fuel Forever, Danielle Stanton about physical & mental health and the mind gut connection.

Mental Health; The Mind Gut Connection

My undergraduate was degree was social work and I became a social worker. And then after years of working with foster children, it was mentally very hard on me. And I felt like I needed more. I felt like the system was in place. I couldn’t help. And so I ended up getting my master’s in counseling and I worked as a high school counselor for about seven years and it was the best experience.

I coached water polo at the school. I coached swimming. I had a wonderful group of kids that I still talk to today. And it was really the foundation of helping people and connecting people. And then, then I felt like I wanted more in the wellness. space. So I ended up getting my degree in nutrition. I went through my own health journey, which we can go down that, that, that story.

But I felt like there was, I needed to, you know, really focus on the mental health, the physical health and the mind gut connection and just kind of wrap it up altogether. And it also helped create our company. And so it was really the foundation of, of who I am. First of all, there’s so many people in this space who don’t have the credentials to back up kind of the experience, right?

This episode sponsored by

This episode is sponsored by Fuel Forever. At Fuel Forever, we develop our products with the health conscious person in mind. All of our products are free from artificial sweeteners, fillers, and dyes. We focus on products made for longevity and gut health support. Find more information at www. fuelforever.com

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