
0:00:00 Introduction
0:00:28 Show Announcements
0:01:00 Interview Beginning

Aired On

March 4, 2024


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In this episode we talk with fitness and nutrition expert, Jenny Blake aka Jenny the nutritionist. Jenny is a licensed nutritionist and the owner of the “Create your Shape” program for women.

In the beginning…

Yeah, so I am a licensed nutritionist, but I didn’t start that way. I’ve just loved working out. I loved working out and I would do it all the time. And there’d be times where, you know, when growing up, my cousin said I would be in front of the TV, just doing crunches.

And she’s like, what are you doing? I’m like, just working out, just getting, you know, getting more crunches in, um, which was great. Until, you know, I was an athlete at university. And then beyond that, I started dabbling in CrossFit, which was all great until I was like, wait a minute, I work out so much.

Why don’t I look like I work out that much? And I was really confused. And of course I dabbled in nutrition and my fitness pal told me 1200 calories. So I would try that for three days and be starving. And then be like, well, I must not have the willpower, even though, you know, the rest of my life, I was very much a go getter and very successful in other areas.

And I just feel like I couldn’t figure this out. And I would, you know, find, I was, I don’t know if you guys are familiar with Teen Nation. It was kind of big back in the day. And I was Googling things and reading articles on Teen Nation and just wondering, wait, does this apply to me? This kind of sounds like it applies to like a, 20 year old male bodybuilders.

Does this work for me? Or I would see like, Oh, you just have to eat healthier and add more vegetables. And I was like, well, I think I’m kind of beyond that and I don’t want to just lose weight. I also want to like build muscle. And I was just so confused with everything that was out there, but trying everything, and I loved working out.

I love, I loved, you know, just the space. And, um, I saw a friend do a bodybuilding show. And saw the results that they created. And I was really wanting a program that was going to teach me all of that. But at the time this was, you know, seven years ago, I couldn’t find it. So I was like, well, I got to do a show to, to learn like the secret that I’m, that I’m missing.

And so I did a show and I created the best. physique I had at that time and realize that yes, nutrition was what I was missing, but having a nutrition strategy and there’s science behind nutrition was what I was missing instead of just trying to do it all of whatever I heard on the internet. So from there, I, um, I did a couple of shows and did.

Tune in to find out more!

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