Gut, Hormones, Grit: Overcoming Health Barriers to Muscle and Fat Loss Success with Elizabeth Aylor

  • By admin
  • Aired on December 28, 2023
  • 50 mins 23s
  • RSS


0:00:00 Introduction
0:00:28 Show Announcements
0:01:00 Interview Beginning

Aired On

January 1, 2024


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In this episode Kim and I talk with Elizabeth Aylor about gut health, hormones, and developing the grit to overcome health barriers, building muscle and fat loss. Elizabeth is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Certified Holistic Nutritionist, & a Certified GAPS Practitioner. 

Learning to love myself…

Every day I woke up, I just was, I was burnt out, I was run down, I had no energy to move, and I didn’t know what to eat. So, I took everything into my own hands, I started my bodybuilding journey. I spent eight years building my metabolism up to over 6, 000 calories. I was 180 pounds again. And I told myself I wouldn’t go into a caloric deficit until I loved myself at whatever weight it was.

So I was 180. I was lifting with the men. I was pulling the a hundred pound dumbbell for my road. I was. I felt so amazing and then that’s when I went on my cut, I lost the weight to my physique where I am today. And then on top of that, I completely took my health into my own hands and I became obsessed with hormone health.

I became obsessed with gut health. Um, I got my whole gut healed. I got rid of the H4, all of that. But I want to throw in here, while so many of your listeners and so many people, they may be on their health journey and they think that everything is always that uphill battle. It’s never linear, as you guys know, and there’s always obstacles that we face and it’s how we overcome them.

Tune in to find out more!

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