JJ Velasquez on Finding the Confidence & Motivation to Show Up As Your Best Self

  • By admin
  • Aired on September 29, 2023
  • 58 mins 2s
  • RSS


0:00:00 Introduction
0:00:28 Show Announcements
0:01:00 Interview Beginning

Aired On

November 6, 2023


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In this episode Kim and I talk with fitness influencer and lifestyle coach JJ Velasquez about finding confidence & motivation to change and transform your life through fitness so you can show up as your best self.


So JJ, you’re, you’re a fitness coach and more, and you’ve been pretty public about your ups and downs with your own personal weight and your physical appearance. Is that what drove you into the fitness industry?

So actually back in my younger years, I used to be EMT, you know, and in the medical field, I wanted to do firefighting and all this stuff. And so it actually would be in the hospitals all the time and stuff. And I would see what would happen later on in life when. People didn’t take care of their fitness, the diabetes, people losing limbs over, you know, things like that.

So it always got me curious and passionate about helping people. But of course, yeah, not being happy with, you know, myself in the past, just knowing that I look better, feel better. I was always searching diets, reading different articles, trying to figure out how can, how can I handle my own fitness first, and that’s where it really developed a passion for it.

I’ve been lifting weights since high school and everything, but combining that with the want to helping people and then just making my own transformation and kind of what works for me, you know, that’s kind of where I’m at now. Sharing my journey, sharing my transformation, but also, you know, helping other guys do the same…

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