Using fitness to overcome an eating disorder and depression with Amanda Essen

  • By admin
  • Aired on November 14, 2023
  • 58 mins 2s
  • RSS


0:00:00 Introduction
0:00:28 Show Announcements
0:01:00 Interview Beginning

Aired On

November 24, 2023


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In this episode I talk  about using fitness to overcome eating disorders and depression with Finland’s Amanda Essen. 

Fitness is my passion!

Amanda: Fitness is like everything for me my passion. Before I found the gym, I wasn’t so into fitness and modeling. And I was like nothing about sports. I played soccer, but it wasn’t my thing. I just did it because everybody did. 

When I stepped the first time in the gym, it was like, I just fell in love.  I really directly find the connection and like, I don’t know, something lights inside me. And I started like, understand that I have a body and I need to take care of it and I want to be strong and I want to change everything, inside and outside. Like, yeah, become a strong woman and not be the person that everybody else wants me to be.

Shawn: that’s amazing. So my, my relationship with fitness is, is a little different actually. In school, playing sports, you work out because you have to, right? And it wasn’t my favorite thing to do. I did it because it was necessary for the sports that I played. Now it’s a different story, fitness is a passion. 

Tune in to find out more!

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